This is a day where we display solidarity towards union members everywhere simply by getting dressed for the day. T-shirts, hats, and buttons are being delivered to all branches and work locations (Unfortunately, we were not able to obtain t-shirts for all of our members as we originally planned. But DC37 was able to make up for it with hats and buttons). Please wear the shirts, buttons, and hats today, demonstrate to your communities that union members keep NYC running--particularly its libraries--and that as union members we are undivided and ready to face the future together.
The Executive Board thanks all of our members for making the Day of Action a success, and we intend it to be a springboard for future actions. Please take pictures, and share your stories with us! You can email them to [email protected].
Rally Planned on Date of Janus vs. AFSCME Decision
We chose June 20th for the Day of Action because it is around the time the Supreme Court is expected to issue it's decision in the Janus vs. AFSCME case, which could overturn decades of precedent and severely hobble public service unions' capacity to function. On the day the decision is handed down, an Emergency Janus Protest/Union Power Rally is planned in Foley Square in Manhattan at 5:00 p.m. It is being organized by the PSC (the CUNY faculty and staff union), together with NYSNA (the nurses’ union), but all union members and their family and friends are welome.
There is an event page, but please note the date is not accurate (Facebook requires inserting a date, even if it's just a placeholder). The rally will be at 5:00 on whatever day the Janus decision is announced, rain or shine. We encourage Local 1482 members to come out to make some noise and show that NYC will always be a union town.
Thank you again for taking part in the Local 1482 Day of Action!