Garrido did so at the urging of the Tri-Library Council of DC37 and the Presidents of Local 1482 Brooklyn Library Guild, Local 1321 Queens Library Guild, Local 1930 New York Public Library Guild, and Local 374 Quasi Public Employees.
The Tri-Library Council and DC37 acknowledge that library services are vital to the well-being of the City. In light of the City’s surge in Covid-19 cases, however, they seek the Mayor’s support in reducing services.
Mayor-Elect Adams responded he would assess the libraries’ service models and provide an answer once he enters office. The Tri-Library Council and DC37 have agreed to wait for a response.
The text of the full Tri-Library statement follows below. You can also download a PDF at this link.
Statement of the Tri-Library Council
Last week, President Local 374 Leonard Paul, President Local 1321 John Hyslop, President Local 1482 Ronaldo Barber, President Local 1930 Deborah Allman, asked DC 37 Executive Director Henry Garrido to speak with then Mayor-Elect Adams. We wanted to relay members’ concerns over the spread of the virus, and to reduce library services. Executive Director Garrido spoke with Mayor-Elect Adams and explained our concerns. Mayor-Elect Adams told Mr. Garrido that he will be assessing the libraries’ service models, and give an answer when he gets into office. We agreed to wait for Mayor Adams’ response.
We took this approach because the libraries need the Mayor’s agreement to reduce services, or libraries could face severe financial consequences. Furthermore, as union members of New York City’s Libraries, we need to be responsible stewards of our libraries. We will assess our response as needed.
This new COVID variant is so much more transmissible, and is affecting everyone throughout our Library systems. We are very distressed that this current service model is putting us in harm’s way. We reluctantly advocate for reducing services, because we know firsthand that our services are vital to our patrons and our city. We hope that Mayor Adams listens to our concerns and supports the need to reduce library services.