Constitution for Brooklyn, New York, Library Guild Local 1482
Article I
The name of this organization shall be Brooklyn, New York, Library Guild Local Number 1482 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO.
Article II
This local union shall be affiliated with New York City District Council of AFSCME Municipal Local Unions #37 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; the New York State AFL-CIO; and the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO.
Article III
The objectives of this local union shall be to carry out on a local basis the objectives of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, and other policies which are in the interest of the local.
Article IV
Membership and Dues
Section 1. All employees of the Brooklyn Public Library in Kings County, New York, are eligible for membership in this local union, subject to the requirements of the constitution of the International Union.
Section 2. Application for membership shall be made on a Local 1482 Authorization for Payroll Deduction Card and submitted to the Finance Department of the Brooklyn Public Library.
Section 3. Membership dues shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis through a system of regular payroll deductions based on annual salaries as follows:
Salary Range
$ 0 - 19,999 $21.00
20,000 - 24,999 21.50
25,000 - 29,999 22.00
30,000 - 34,999 22.50
35,000 - 39,999 23.00
40,000 and up 23.50
Effective January 1, 2008, and thereafter, dues shall be adjusted in accordance with the AFSCME International Constitution and the District Council 37 Constitution pertaining to minimum dues and per capita.
Section 4. In the event that the library ceases dues check-off for all employees, membership dues shall be payable biweekly in advance, to the local treasurer and in any event shall be paid not later than the 7th day after the library’s regular payday. Any member who fails to pay dues for two successive paydays shall stand suspended.
Section 5. A member suspended under the above section may be reinstated to membership in the local on payment of all arrearages.
Article V
Section 1. There shall be five membership meetings per year in the months of October, December, February, April and June at a time and place to be fixed by the membership or the local’s executive board.
Section 2. A quorum for the conduct of business at a membership meeting shall consist of 5 percent of the membership as recorded by the library’s most current membership report.
Section 3. Voted recommendations of the local’s executive board shall be implemented if membership meetings fail to meet a quorum for two consecutive meetings for which the item has been included in the printed meeting notice agenda where adequate and proper notice has been given to the membership.
Section 4. Special meetings may be called by the local president, the local executive board or by petition filed with the president and signed by 10 percent of the membership. Special meetings may also be called by the International President or by his/her authorized representative.
Section 5. All members shall receive adequate and proper notice of all special meetings. The notice must contain the purpose of the meeting. No business other than that specified in the call shall be conducted at a special membership meeting.
Section 6. Executive board meetings shall be held monthly except during July and August. A quorum for executive board meetings shall be 50 percent plus 1.
Section 7. All elected officials who have three (3) or more unexcused absences from regularly scheduled meetings shall be deemed to have vacated his/her office. Excused absences shall be defined as illness, vacation, death in the family, or unavoidable emergency agency coverage at the library.
Section 8. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this local union in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution and special rules of this local union or the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Section 9. The president shall preside at all meetings. In his/her absence he/she shall be replaced by one of the vice-presidents. This responsibility shall be rotated among the respective vice-presidents in alphabetical order by surname.
Article VI
Section 1. The officers of this local shall be president, a librarian vice-president, a clerical vice-president, a blue-collar vice-president, a treasurer, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary and eleven representatives as follows: three librarian representatives, four clerical representatives, one maintainer representative, one custodian representative, on special officer representative and one miscellaneous representative (to be chosen from job categories not otherwise represented), and the above-mentioned shal constitute the local’s executive board.
Section 2. The chief steward shall be appointed by the president with the consent of the executive board.
Section 3. Beginning in October 2002, all executive board members, except chief steward, shall be electable to a three-year term of office.
Article VII
Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Nominations shall be held at the regular October membership meeting. At least fifteen days advance notice shall be given to the membership prior to that meeting.
Section 2. All nominations shall be from the floor. Members need not be present to be nominated. If absent nominees wish to decline they must notify, in writing, the chairperson of the elections committee within fifteen days of the nomination.
Section 3. To be eligible for election a member must be in good standing for one year immediately preceding the election. No retired members shall be a candidate for office.
Section 4. Officers shall be elected by secret ballot, and the balloting shall be so conducted as to afford to all members a reasonable opportunity to vote. At least fifteen days advance notice shall be be given the membership prior to the holding of the election. A report of the elections committee shall be given at the December membership meeting.
Section 5. All matters concerning nominations and elections in this local union shall be subject to the provisions of Appendix D, entitled Elections Code, of the International Union Constitution.
Section 6. Vacancies in office shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by vote of the executive board by secret ballot.
Section 7. Every officer shall, upon assuming office, subscribe to the Obligations of an Officer contained in Appendix B of the International Union Constitution.
Article VIII
Duties of Officers and Executive Board
Section 1. The president shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of the local union and the executive board.
b. Be a member of all committees, except election committees.
c. Countersign all checks drawn against the funds of the local.
d. Appoint all standing committees and all special committees of the local, subject to the approval of the executive board.
e. Report periodically to the membership regarding the progress and standing of the local and regarding the president’s official acts.
f. Be a delegate to all conferences and conventions or organizations of which this local is affiliated with.
Section 2. The vice-presidents shall:
a. Assist the president in the work of the president’s office
b. In the absence of the president in the president’s inability to serve, perform all duties otherwise performed by the president. This responsibility shall be rotated among the respective vice-presidents in alphabetical order by surname. This rotation shall be on a six-month basis.
c. Upon approval by the local executive board, be authorized to act as co-signer of checks drawn on the local funds in place of either the president or treasurer.
Section 3. The recording secretary shall:
a. Keep a record of the proceedings of all membership meetings and of all executive board meetings.
b. Perform other duties as the executive board may require.
Section 4. The corresponding secretary shall:
a. Carry on the official correspondence of the local, except as the executive board may direct otherwise.
b. Perform other duties as the executive board may require.
Section 5. The treasurer shall:
a. Receive and receipt all monies of the local union.
b. Deposit all monies received in the name of the local union in a bank or banks selected by the executive board, and monies so deposited shall be drawn only by check signed by the president and treasurer.
c. Prepare and sign checks for such purposes as are required by the constitution or are authorized by the membership, executive board or president.
d. Keep the accurate record of receipts and disbursements and shall once each month submit to the membership and executive board a monthly operating statement of the financial transactions of the local for the previous month.
e. Act as custodian of all properties of the local union.
f. Give a surety bond for an amount to be fixed by the executive board of the local union, at the expense of the local union and through the International Union.
g. See that any financial reports required by the International Union Constitution be submitted in accordance with the International Union Constitution.
Section 6. The executive board shall:
a. Be the governing body of the local union except when meeting of the local union are in session.
b. Decide all matters affecting the policies, aims and means of accomplishing the purposes of the local not specifically provided for in this constitution or by action of the membership at a regular or special meeting.
c. Meet at the call of the president or of a majority of the members of the board. A report of all actions taken by the executive board shall be made to the membership at the next following meeting.
d. Have the power to approve all expenditures up to and including $3,000.00.
Article IX
Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 1. This local union shall at all times be subject to the provisions of the Constitution of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Section 2. Except to the extent specified in this constitution, no officer for the local union shall have the power to act as an agent for or otherwise bind the local union in any way whatsoever. No member or group of members or other person or persons shall hace the power to act on behalf or otherwise bind the local union except to the extent specifically authorized in writing by the president of the local union or by the executive board of the local union.
Section 3. An audit of the local’s books shall be performed at least annually by a certified public accountant.
Article X
This constitution may be amended, revised, or otherwise changed by a majority vote of the members voting on such proposed change and such change shall take effect only upon written approval of the International President. Proposed amendments to this constitution must be made at a regular or special meeting of the local union and read and voted on at a subsequent meeting of the local union, adequate and proper notice having been given to the membership prior to the date on which the vote is taken. A written copy of the proposed amendment shall be furnished to every eligible voter at the meeting at which the vote is taken.
Approved by:
Approval date: October 6, 2015
Article I
The name of this organization shall be Brooklyn, New York, Library Guild Local Number 1482 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO.
Article II
This local union shall be affiliated with New York City District Council of AFSCME Municipal Local Unions #37 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; the New York State AFL-CIO; and the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO.
Article III
The objectives of this local union shall be to carry out on a local basis the objectives of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, and other policies which are in the interest of the local.
Article IV
Membership and Dues
Section 1. All employees of the Brooklyn Public Library in Kings County, New York, are eligible for membership in this local union, subject to the requirements of the constitution of the International Union.
Section 2. Application for membership shall be made on a Local 1482 Authorization for Payroll Deduction Card and submitted to the Finance Department of the Brooklyn Public Library.
Section 3. Membership dues shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis through a system of regular payroll deductions based on annual salaries as follows:
Salary Range
$ 0 - 19,999 $21.00
20,000 - 24,999 21.50
25,000 - 29,999 22.00
30,000 - 34,999 22.50
35,000 - 39,999 23.00
40,000 and up 23.50
Effective January 1, 2008, and thereafter, dues shall be adjusted in accordance with the AFSCME International Constitution and the District Council 37 Constitution pertaining to minimum dues and per capita.
Section 4. In the event that the library ceases dues check-off for all employees, membership dues shall be payable biweekly in advance, to the local treasurer and in any event shall be paid not later than the 7th day after the library’s regular payday. Any member who fails to pay dues for two successive paydays shall stand suspended.
Section 5. A member suspended under the above section may be reinstated to membership in the local on payment of all arrearages.
Article V
Section 1. There shall be five membership meetings per year in the months of October, December, February, April and June at a time and place to be fixed by the membership or the local’s executive board.
Section 2. A quorum for the conduct of business at a membership meeting shall consist of 5 percent of the membership as recorded by the library’s most current membership report.
Section 3. Voted recommendations of the local’s executive board shall be implemented if membership meetings fail to meet a quorum for two consecutive meetings for which the item has been included in the printed meeting notice agenda where adequate and proper notice has been given to the membership.
Section 4. Special meetings may be called by the local president, the local executive board or by petition filed with the president and signed by 10 percent of the membership. Special meetings may also be called by the International President or by his/her authorized representative.
Section 5. All members shall receive adequate and proper notice of all special meetings. The notice must contain the purpose of the meeting. No business other than that specified in the call shall be conducted at a special membership meeting.
Section 6. Executive board meetings shall be held monthly except during July and August. A quorum for executive board meetings shall be 50 percent plus 1.
Section 7. All elected officials who have three (3) or more unexcused absences from regularly scheduled meetings shall be deemed to have vacated his/her office. Excused absences shall be defined as illness, vacation, death in the family, or unavoidable emergency agency coverage at the library.
Section 8. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this local union in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution and special rules of this local union or the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Section 9. The president shall preside at all meetings. In his/her absence he/she shall be replaced by one of the vice-presidents. This responsibility shall be rotated among the respective vice-presidents in alphabetical order by surname.
Article VI
Section 1. The officers of this local shall be president, a librarian vice-president, a clerical vice-president, a blue-collar vice-president, a treasurer, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary and eleven representatives as follows: three librarian representatives, four clerical representatives, one maintainer representative, one custodian representative, on special officer representative and one miscellaneous representative (to be chosen from job categories not otherwise represented), and the above-mentioned shal constitute the local’s executive board.
Section 2. The chief steward shall be appointed by the president with the consent of the executive board.
Section 3. Beginning in October 2002, all executive board members, except chief steward, shall be electable to a three-year term of office.
Article VII
Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Nominations shall be held at the regular October membership meeting. At least fifteen days advance notice shall be given to the membership prior to that meeting.
Section 2. All nominations shall be from the floor. Members need not be present to be nominated. If absent nominees wish to decline they must notify, in writing, the chairperson of the elections committee within fifteen days of the nomination.
Section 3. To be eligible for election a member must be in good standing for one year immediately preceding the election. No retired members shall be a candidate for office.
Section 4. Officers shall be elected by secret ballot, and the balloting shall be so conducted as to afford to all members a reasonable opportunity to vote. At least fifteen days advance notice shall be be given the membership prior to the holding of the election. A report of the elections committee shall be given at the December membership meeting.
Section 5. All matters concerning nominations and elections in this local union shall be subject to the provisions of Appendix D, entitled Elections Code, of the International Union Constitution.
Section 6. Vacancies in office shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by vote of the executive board by secret ballot.
Section 7. Every officer shall, upon assuming office, subscribe to the Obligations of an Officer contained in Appendix B of the International Union Constitution.
Article VIII
Duties of Officers and Executive Board
Section 1. The president shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of the local union and the executive board.
b. Be a member of all committees, except election committees.
c. Countersign all checks drawn against the funds of the local.
d. Appoint all standing committees and all special committees of the local, subject to the approval of the executive board.
e. Report periodically to the membership regarding the progress and standing of the local and regarding the president’s official acts.
f. Be a delegate to all conferences and conventions or organizations of which this local is affiliated with.
Section 2. The vice-presidents shall:
a. Assist the president in the work of the president’s office
b. In the absence of the president in the president’s inability to serve, perform all duties otherwise performed by the president. This responsibility shall be rotated among the respective vice-presidents in alphabetical order by surname. This rotation shall be on a six-month basis.
c. Upon approval by the local executive board, be authorized to act as co-signer of checks drawn on the local funds in place of either the president or treasurer.
Section 3. The recording secretary shall:
a. Keep a record of the proceedings of all membership meetings and of all executive board meetings.
b. Perform other duties as the executive board may require.
Section 4. The corresponding secretary shall:
a. Carry on the official correspondence of the local, except as the executive board may direct otherwise.
b. Perform other duties as the executive board may require.
Section 5. The treasurer shall:
a. Receive and receipt all monies of the local union.
b. Deposit all monies received in the name of the local union in a bank or banks selected by the executive board, and monies so deposited shall be drawn only by check signed by the president and treasurer.
c. Prepare and sign checks for such purposes as are required by the constitution or are authorized by the membership, executive board or president.
d. Keep the accurate record of receipts and disbursements and shall once each month submit to the membership and executive board a monthly operating statement of the financial transactions of the local for the previous month.
e. Act as custodian of all properties of the local union.
f. Give a surety bond for an amount to be fixed by the executive board of the local union, at the expense of the local union and through the International Union.
g. See that any financial reports required by the International Union Constitution be submitted in accordance with the International Union Constitution.
Section 6. The executive board shall:
a. Be the governing body of the local union except when meeting of the local union are in session.
b. Decide all matters affecting the policies, aims and means of accomplishing the purposes of the local not specifically provided for in this constitution or by action of the membership at a regular or special meeting.
c. Meet at the call of the president or of a majority of the members of the board. A report of all actions taken by the executive board shall be made to the membership at the next following meeting.
d. Have the power to approve all expenditures up to and including $3,000.00.
Article IX
Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 1. This local union shall at all times be subject to the provisions of the Constitution of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Section 2. Except to the extent specified in this constitution, no officer for the local union shall have the power to act as an agent for or otherwise bind the local union in any way whatsoever. No member or group of members or other person or persons shall hace the power to act on behalf or otherwise bind the local union except to the extent specifically authorized in writing by the president of the local union or by the executive board of the local union.
Section 3. An audit of the local’s books shall be performed at least annually by a certified public accountant.
Article X
This constitution may be amended, revised, or otherwise changed by a majority vote of the members voting on such proposed change and such change shall take effect only upon written approval of the International President. Proposed amendments to this constitution must be made at a regular or special meeting of the local union and read and voted on at a subsequent meeting of the local union, adequate and proper notice having been given to the membership prior to the date on which the vote is taken. A written copy of the proposed amendment shall be furnished to every eligible voter at the meeting at which the vote is taken.
Approved by:
Approval date: October 6, 2015